Facility Use Agreement
Statement Of Purpose:
We make our facilities available to approved non-member persons and groups as a witness to our faith, in a spirit of Christian charity, and a means of demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ in practice. However, facility use will not be permitted to persons or groups holding, advancing, or advocating beliefs, or advancing advocating, or engaging in practices that conflict with Real Life Church's Statement of Faith. Nor may the facilities be used for activities that contradict, or are deemed by the Pastor as inconsistent with, or contrary to the church’s faith or moral teachings. Allowing church facilities to be used for purposes that contradict the church’s beliefs would be material cooperation with that activity, and would be a grave violation of the church’s faith and religious practice. (See Corinthians 6:14, I Thessalonians 5:22) Church-owned property or facilities can be used for personal benefit based on criteria set by the Real Life Church leadership in agreement with our Statement of Faith. The church sees the church’s facilities as holy and set apart to worship God in every aspect (See Colossians 3:17). This includes the rental of facilities and specified audio-visual (A/V equipment). Borrowing of any assets is prohibited.
Specialized events will be determined on a case-by-case basis particularly the use of facilities during the months of Easter, Christmas, and Small Group semesters. However, the following requirements must be met prior to any consideration to rent, loan, or use any church facility:
1. Ministry, organization, and sponsored activities of the church (“in-house”) will take first priority because our sole purposes are to build the Kingdom of God through sharing the gospel and love of God and growing believers through discipleship opportunities. There must be no conflicting dates, times, or resources with “in-house” events.
2. Priority shall generally be given to members of the church, their immediate family, and organized groups that are a part of the ministry.
3. Church facilities will be made available to non-members or outside groups meeting the following qualifications:
a. Groups or persons requesting facility use must affirm that their beliefs and practices and planned uses of the facilities are in harmony with the church’s faith and practice.
b. The group or person seeking facility use must submit a “Facility Use Agreement" form.
c. The group or person seeking facility use must be willing to take responsibility for the facilities used and must agree to abide by the church’s rules of conduct for facility use, as stated in this document and as described in any additional instructions by church staff.
Facility Guidelines:
• No rentals permitted on Sundays after 3pm.
• Requests for facility use may be made by submitting the “Reservation Request and Facility Use Agreement” only.
• On-site contact person must be present at all times.
• No church supplies are to be used without written permission.
• No advertisements are to be distributed in the parking lot areas.
• Alcohol is not prohibited on church premises.
• Abusive or foul language, violent behavior, and drug use are strictly prohibited while using the church facility.
• Groups are restricted to only those areas of the facility that the group has reserved.
• Baby showers, bridal showers, etc. must be done by special request utilizing the approved room.
• Under no circumstances are children to be left unattended. Parents must accompany all children under the age of 13 at all times.
• No weapons are permitted except for church approved safety team.
• Game tables in the YTH Room may be used with prior consent and rental of that space. The renter is responsible to replace or repair damaged equipment.
• In case of an emergency during the event, please contact: Sara Horne 937-423-1727
Food and Drink:
• Kitchen facilities may be used for non-church events with prior approval only.
• Any spills must be communicated.
• No nails, push pins, tape or staples are to be used on any walls or furniture.
• Signs on exterior doors are allowed with prior approval.
Maintenance and Upkeep:
• We will provide set-up of tables, chairs, and equipment.
• All decorations, table coverings, coffee, cups, etc. are the responsibility of the person who has signed the reservation and agreement form.
• We ask that you leave the area you use as close to the way you found it as possible
Any questions or concerns contact: Sara Horne at 937-423-1727/shorne@livereallife.com
*Please type your name showing you agree and read the Facility Use Agreement, understand the responsibilities and expectations, and are in alignment with the Real Life statement of faith and values expressed therein.*