Accelerate is comprehensive campaign that began on February 20, 2022 to begin the process of building our future church home on Social Row Rd. Join us as we seize the opportunity together to see our region transformed by the power of the Good News


Letter From Our Pastor

I want to take a moment to share with you the gratitude I feel for all that God is doing among our church family. As I reflect on the past several years, the best way I can express it is this: I’m just so grateful to be part of the Real Life Church family — not simply grateful to be your pastor but to be a part in seeing all of what God is doing. God is moving, and He’s moving through our people—through you. Behind every testimony is a Real Life Church partner volunteering their time or giving of their resources to be used by God. Simple obedience has an outstanding impact, especially through the compounding efforts of the local church. As we begin to accelerate the vision of RLC our next big step is the one we’ve been building up toward—building our facility by giving RLC a permanent home. As we seize this opportunity together I believe through your generosity we will see God do amazing things as we compel those far from God to become fully engaged followers of Jesus.

Honored to be your pastor,

Pastor Jason



Meet the Team

Accelerate Leadership Team

Campaign Directors: Christian Bunse / Shawn Waldman
Promotion Directors: James Haralson / Sara Horne
Advance Leadership Directors: Bruce Ratliff / Nate Storie
Follow-Up Directors: Rick & Debbie Young / Robin Williams / Missy Patton
Prayer Emphasis Directors: Lynn Ratliff / Jessica Waldman
Host/Hostess Directors: Marc & Julie Richard / Glen & Doreen Staffieri
Informational Reception Directors: Josh & Robin Kolb / Daron & Heidi Holland

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! - Ecclesiastes- 4:9-10



  • Real Life Church's goal is to raise a total of $1,000,000 for our new church home. The approximate project cost is $3.5 million. We have four financial goals we will fulfill.

    $600,000 - Forward Challenge
    $700,000 - Momentum Challenge
    $800,000 - Advance Challenge {Groundbreaking Number)
    $1,000,000 - Breakthrough Challenge

  • Accelerate is a 3-year Comprehensive Campaign that began on February 20, 2022. We are praying and believing that we will break ground when we receive $800,000 in campaign funds.

  • In addition to the efforts of our church family, we are seeking to partner with leaders and organizations outside the Real Life Church community who can make a 3-year commitment. Funds may be given through cash, check, securities, and real estate gifts.

  • No. The choice to give and the faith promise amount are a personal matter between you and God. Although everyone has different giving potentials and the amount they give will vary, we should each be challenged to give sacrificially to expand God's Kingdom.

  • Yes. You may revise your commitment at any time during the three-year period.